Display Filter Reference: Intelligent Service Interface

Protocol field name: isi

Versions: 2.2.0 to 4.4.5

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Field name Description Type Versions
isi.gps.altAltitudeSigned integer (16 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.climbClimbFloating point (single-precision)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.cmdCommandUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.courseCourseFloating point (single-precision)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.date.dayDayUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.date.monthMonthUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.date.yearYearUnsigned integer (16 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.epcClimb AccuracyFloating point (single-precision)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.epdCourse AccuracyFloating point (single-precision)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.ephPosition AccuracyFloating point (single-precision)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.epsSpeed AccuracyFloating point (single-precision)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.epvAltitude AccuracyFloating point (single-precision)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.gsm.cidCell ID (CID)Unsigned integer (16 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.gsm.lacLocation Area Code (LAC)Unsigned integer (16 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.gsm.mccMobile Country Code (MCC)Unsigned integer (16 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.gsm.mncMobile Network Code (MNC)Unsigned integer (16 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.gsm.ucidCell ID (UCID)Unsigned integer (32 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.latLatitudeFloating point (double-precision)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.lonLongitudeFloating point (double-precision)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.payloadPayloadByte sequence2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.pkgsNumber of SubpacketsUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.sat.azimuthAzimuthFloating point (single-precision)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.sat.elevationElevationFloating point (single-precision)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.sat.prnPseudorandom Noise (PRN)Unsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.sat.strengthSignal StrengthFloating point (single-precision)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.sat.usedin useBoolean2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.satellitesVisible SatellitesUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.speedSpeedFloating point (single-precision)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.statusStatusUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.sub.lenSubpacket LengthUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.sub.typeSubpacket TypeUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.time.hourHourUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.time.minuteMinuteUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gps.time.secondSecondFloating point (single-precision)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gss.causeCauseUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gss.common.msg_idCommon Message IDUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gss.msg_idMessage IDUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gss.operationOperationUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gss.payloadPayloadByte sequence2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.gss.subblock_countSubblock CountUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.idPacket IDUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.lenLengthUnsigned integer (16 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.len.invalidBroken LengthLabel2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.network.cmdCommandUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.network.payloadPayloadByte sequence2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.network.pkgsNumber of SubpacketsUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.network.sub.cidCell ID (CID)Unsigned integer (32 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.network.sub.gsm_band_18001800 Mhz BandBoolean2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.network.sub.gsm_band_19001900 Mhz BandBoolean2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.network.sub.gsm_band_850850 Mhz BandBoolean2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.network.sub.gsm_band_900900 Mhz BandBoolean2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.network.sub.lacLocation Area Code (LAC)Unsigned integer (16 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.network.sub.lenSubpacket LengthUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.network.sub.msgMessageCharacter string2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.network.sub.msg_lenMessage LengthUnsigned integer (16 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.network.sub.operatorOperator CodeUnsigned integer (24 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.network.sub.typeSubpacket TypeUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.rdevReceiver DeviceUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.resResourceUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.robjReceiver ObjectUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sdevSender DeviceUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.auth.cfgConfigurationUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.auth.cmdCommandUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.auth.indicationIndicationUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.auth.new_pinNew PINCharacter string2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.auth.payloadPayloadByte sequence2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.auth.pinPINCharacter string2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.auth.pukPUKCharacter string2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.auth.request.protectionProtection RequestUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.auth.response.protectionProtection ResponseBoolean2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.auth.response.statusStatus ResponseUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.auth.typePassword TypeUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.causeCauseUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.imsi.lengthIMSI LengthUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.msg_idMessage IDUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.payloadPayloadByte sequence2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.pb.locationPhonebook LocationUnsigned integer (16 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.pb.subblockSubblockUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.pb.tagPhonebook Item TypeUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.pb.tag.countTag CountUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.pb.typePhonebook TypeUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.secondary_causeSecondary CauseUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.service_typeService TypeUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.subblock_countSubblock CountUnsigned integer (16 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sim.subblock_sizeSubblock SizeUnsigned integer (16 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sms.common.msg_idCommon Message IDUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sms.msg_idMessage IDUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sms.payloadPayloadByte sequence2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sms.routeMessage RouteUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sms.routing.commandSMS Routing CommandUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sms.routing.modeRouting ModeUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sms.sending_statusSending StatusUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sms.subblock_countSubblock CountUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.sobjSender ObjectUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.ss.common.msg_idCommon Message IDUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.ss.msg_idMessage IDUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.ss.operationOperationUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.ss.payloadPayloadByte sequence2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.ss.service_codeService CodeUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.ss.status_indicationStatus IndicationUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.ss.subblockSubblockUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.ss.subblock_countSubblock CountUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.ss.ussd.lengthLengthUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.ss.ussd.typeUSSD TypeUnsigned integer (8 bits)2.2.0 to 4.4.5
isi.unsupported_packetUnsupported packetLabel2.2.0 to 4.4.5