10.5. Example: Lua scripts with shared modules

Lua plugins that depend on protocols, dissectors, dissector tables, and other items registered with Wireshark by other Lua scripts can access those through the Wireshark Lua API. The key is ensuring that the providing script is read first, as previously mentioned.

It is also possible to depend on Lua functions defined in other Lua scripts. The recommended method is to load those scripts as modules via require. Modules preferably should avoid defining globals, and should return a table containing functions indexed by name. Globals defined in modules will leak into the global namespace when require() is used, and name collisions can cause unexpected results. (As an aside, local variables are faster in Lua because global variables require extra table lookups.) Directories containing loaded Lua scripts (including those specified on the command line with -X lua_script:my.lua) are automatically added to the require() search path.

For example, suppose there is a Lua script in the personal plugins directory named bar.lua as follows:

-- bar.lua
-- Converts an integer representing an IPv4 address into its dotted quad
-- string representation.

-- This is the module object, which will be returned at the end of this file.
local M = {

M.GetIPAddressString = function(ip)
    -- Lua BitOp library, included in all versions of Wireshark
    --local octet1 = bit.rshift(bit.band(0xFF000000, ip), 24)
    --local octet2 = bit.rshift(bit.band(0x00FF0000, ip), 16)
    --local octet3 = bit.rshift(bit.band(0x0000FF00, ip), 8)
    --local octet4 = bit.band(0x000000FF, ip)

    -- Lua >= 5.3 native bit operators, supported in Wireshark >= 4.4
    local octet1 = ip >> 24
    local octet2 = ip >> 16 & 0xFF
    local octet3 = ip >> 8 & 0xFF
    local octet4 = ip & 0xFF

    return octet1 .. "." .. octet2 .. "." .. octet3 .. "." .. octet4

-- Return the table we've created, which will be accessible as the return
-- value of require() or dofile(), and at the global package.loaded["bar"]
return M

Other Lua plugins that wish to use the module can then require() it (note that the .lua extension is not used in require(), unlike the similar dofile()):

-- Foo dissector
local p_foo = Proto("foo", "Foo")

local bar = require("bar")

local f_ip = ProtoField.ipv4("foo.ip", "IP")
local f_ipint = ProtoField.uint32("foo.ipint", "IP as Uint32")
local f_ipstr = ProtoField.string("foo.ipstr", "IP as String")

p_foo.fields = { f_ip, f_ipint, f_ipstr }

function p_foo.dissector(tvbuf, pktinfo, tree)

    -- Set the protocol column to show this name

    local pktlen = tvbuf:reported_length_remaining()

    local subtree = tree:add(p_foo, tvbuf:range(0,pktlen))

    local child, ipaddr = subtree:add_packet_field(f_ip, tvbuf(8, 4), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN)
    local child, ipint = subtree:add_packet_field(f_ipint, tvbuf(8, 4), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN)

    -- These two are the same string
    subtree:add(f_ipstr, tvbuf(8,4), bar.GetIPAddressString(ipint))
    subtree:add(f_ipstr, tvbuf(8,4), tostring(ipaddr))

    return pktlen

DissectorTable.get("udp.port"):add(2012, p_foo)

Using require() is another way to control the order in which files are loaded. Lua require() ensures that a module is only executed once. Subsequent calls will return the same table already loaded.

[Important]Avoid duplicate registration

In versions of Wireshark before 4.4, the initial loading of Lua plugins in the plugins directory does not register them in the table of already loaded modules used by require(). This means that Lua script in the plugins directory that are initially loaded can be executed a second time by require(). For scripts that register dissectors or tables with Wireshark, this will result in errors like Proto new: there cannot be two protocols with the same description. It is safer to require() only Lua scripts that define common functions but do not call the Wireshark Lua API to register protocols, dissectors, etc.

In 4.4 and later, scripts in the plugin directories are loaded using the same internal methods as require(), which eliminates duplicate registration errors from loading of files in the plugin directory and using require(). This also means that the order in which plugins are loaded can be adjusted by using require() in addition to changing file names. However, duplicate registration errors can still happen with other methods of executing a file that do not check if it has already been loaded, like dofile().

Lua scripts loaded on the command line are sandboxed into their own environment and globals defined in them do not leak in the general global environment. Modules loaded via require() within those scripts can escape that sandboxing, however. Plugins in the personal (but not global) directory had similar sandboxing prior to Wireshark 4.4, but now globals defined in plugins in the personal directory will enter the global namespace for other plugins, as has always been the case for plugins in the global plugin directory.