Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] RTT Graph error

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: "Ronnie Sahlberg" <ronnie_sahlberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2003 06:47:38 +1100
Ethereal is correct.
The RTT between client and server IS 0.124s for packets

The TCP RTT is NOT 3.95 seconds.

TCP RTT is the time from a new data segment until it has been ACKed.

Frame 39 is a new data segment.
Frame 40 is the ACK of that data.

It took 0.124 s to ACK the data in frame 39.

Thus the TCP RTT is 0.124s

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger et Marie-Jos� Nicholls"
Subject: Re: [Ethereal-users] RTT Graph error

> Ronnie
> Sorry for the last file coming from a server not using timestamps
> There are still a few....Here's a new one attached.
> My graph shows RTT values scattered between 0.1 and 0.25 secs, wish
> it were true
> The point on my graph for 3352915083 (39) gives
> an RTT of 0.124secs which is no more than the time from previous frame
> of (40)
> Its RTT really is about 3.95 secs, RTT of (30)
> Same pb with 0.8.9.
> Roger