Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] How to Debug wireshark in Eclipse on Linux Enviroment?

From: Kent Jin <jinchengde@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 22:47:31 +0800
Thanks Jaap,
That may be a quite difficult to debug GTK application in Eclipse CDT on Linux enviroment, track the commond line application maybe the easier way to learn .

Jaap Keuter wrote:

I'm not familiar with Eclipse but Unix/Linux development is fully supported.
Have a look at the Developer's Guide and notice all the Unix/Linux sections.
In general Windows development is more involved, requiring more documentation. Unix/Linux development is pretty straightforward.

??? wrote:
I am a fresh man and I am work on Linux Enviroment, How Can I use Eclipse CDT to debug the Wireshrak, Any body have the tutorial or any link for that? I read the Document, there is nothing bug the MSVC or NMake, So nmake is the only one? any Detail information?
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