Wireshark 1.2.8, 1.0.13, and 1.3.5 Released
May 5, 2010
Wireshark 1.2.8 (stable), 1.0.13 (old stable), and 1.3.5 (development) have been released. Installers for Windows, Mac OS X 10.5.5 and above (Intel and PPC), and source code is now available.
In 1.2.8
A security-related bug in the DOCSIS dissector has been fixed. See the advisory for details.
Several user interface bugs have been fixed. Bugs in the HTTP, TCP, and SSL dissectors have been fixed. Many other bugs have been fixed.
For a complete list of changes, please refer to the 1.2.8 release notes.
In 1.0.13
A security-related bug in the DOCSIS dissector has been fixed. See the advisory for details.
For a complete list of changes, please refer to the 1.0.13 release notes.
In 1.3.5
More improvements have been made to the new packet list code.
Official releases are available right now from the download page.