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Wireshark 4.5.0
The Wireshark network protocol analyzer
This is the complete list of members for ProfileModel, including all inherited members.
_LAST_ENTRY enum value (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
activeProfile() const (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
activeProfileName() (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | static |
activeProfilePath() (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | static |
addNewProfile(QString name) (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
at(int row) const (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
changesPending() const (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
checkDuplicate(const QModelIndex &index, bool isOriginalToDuplicate=false) const (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
checkIfDeleted(const QModelIndex &index) const (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
checkIfDeleted(int row) const (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
checkInvalid(const QModelIndex &index) const (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
checkNameValidity(QString name, QString *msg=Q_NULLPTR) (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | static |
clearImported(QString *msg=Q_NULLPTR) (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
COL_AUTO_SWITCH_FILTER enum value (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
COL_NAME enum value (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
COL_TYPE enum value (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex()) const (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | virtual |
columns_ (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
data(const QModelIndex &idx, int role=Qt::DisplayRole) const (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | virtual |
DATA_IS_DEFAULT enum value (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
DATA_IS_GLOBAL enum value (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
DATA_IS_SELECTED enum value (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
DATA_PATH enum value (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
DATA_PATH_IS_NOT_DESCRIPTION enum value (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
DATA_STATUS enum value (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
data_values_ (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
deleteEntries(QModelIndexList idcs) (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
deleteEntry(QModelIndex idx) (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
doResetModel(bool reset_import=false) (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
duplicateEntry(QModelIndex idx, int new_status=PROF_STAT_COPY) (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
findAllByNameAndVisibility(QString name, bool isGlobal=false, bool searchReference=false) const (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
findByName(QString name) (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
flags(const QModelIndex &index) const (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | virtual |
headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role=Qt::DisplayRole) const (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | virtual |
illegalCharacters() (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | protectedstatic |
importPending() const (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
importProfilesFromDir(QString filename, int *skippedCnt=Q_NULLPTR, bool fromZip=false, QStringList *result=Q_NULLPTR) (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
itemChanged(const QModelIndex &idx) (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | signal |
lastSetRow() const (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
markAsImported(QStringList importedItems) (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
ProfileModel(QObject *parent=Q_NULLPTR) (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | explicit |
resetDefault() const (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | |
rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex()) const (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | virtual |
setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel | virtual |
userProfilesExist() const (defined in ProfileModel) | ProfileModel |