Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
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- captureFileClosed() : BluetoothAttServerAttributesDialog, BluetoothDevicesDialog, BluetoothHciSummaryDialog, FollowStreamDialog, RtpStreamDialog, ShowPacketBytesDialog, VoipCallsDialog, WiresharkDialog
- captureFileClosing() : BluetoothDeviceDialog, BluetoothHciSummaryDialog, ConversationDialog, EndpointDialog, IOGraphDialog, LteMacStatisticsDialog, LteRlcStatisticsDialog, MulticastStatisticsDialog, PacketDialog, RtpStreamDialog, ShowPacketBytesDialog, VoipCallsDialog, WiresharkDialog, WlanStatisticsDialog
- clear() : ElidedLabel
- contextMenuEvent() : ResizeHeaderView
- contrastingTextColor() : ColorUtils
- ConversationDialog() : ConversationDialog
- createCopyMenu() : TrafficTab, TrafficTree
- currentItemChanged() : TabnavTreeView
- currentItemData() : TrafficTab
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