Wireshark 4.5.0
The Wireshark network protocol analyzer
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StockIcon Member List

This is the complete list of members for StockIcon, including all inherited members.

colorIcon(const QRgb bg_color, const QRgb fg_color, const QString glyph=QString()) (defined in StockIcon)StockIconstatic
colorIconCircle(const QRgb bg_color, const QRgb fg_color) (defined in StockIcon)StockIconstatic
colorIconCross(const QRgb bg_color, const QRgb fg_color) (defined in StockIcon)StockIconstatic
colorIconTriangle(const QRgb bg_color, const QRgb fg_color) (defined in StockIcon)StockIconstatic
StockIcon(const QString icon_name) (defined in StockIcon)StockIconexplicit