Wireshark 4.5.0
The Wireshark network protocol analyzer
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cLLog_private Struct Reference

Public Attributes

uint32_t firstLogRow
cCLLog_loggerType_t loggerType
char hwrev [5]
char fwrev [5]
char id [20]
uint32_t sessionNo
uint32_t splitNo
cCLLog_timeStamp_t logStartTime
char logStartTimeString [20]
char separator
uint8_t timeFormat
char timeSeparator
char timeSeparatorMs
char dateSeparator
char dateAndTimeSeparator
uint32_t bitRate
cCLLog_silentMode_t silentMode
cCLLog_cyclicMode_t cyclicMode
parseFieldFunc_t parseFieldFunc [MAX_LOG_LINE_FIELDS]
cCLLog_timeStamp_t firstTimeStampAbs

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: