Wireshark 4.5.0
The Wireshark network protocol analyzer
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reassemble.h File Reference
#include "ws_symbol_export.h"

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struct  _fragment_item
struct  _fragment_head
struct  reassembly_table
struct  reassembly_table_functions
struct  _fragment_items


#define FD_DEFRAGMENTED   0x0001
#define FD_OVERLAP   0x0002
#define FD_OVERLAPCONFLICT   0x0004
#define FD_MULTIPLETAILS   0x0008
#define FD_TOOLONGFRAGMENT   0x0010
#define FD_SUBSET_TVB   0x0020
#define FD_PARTIAL_REASSEMBLY   0x0040
#define FD_BLOCKSEQUENCE   0x0100
#define FD_DATALEN_SET   0x0400
#define REASSEMBLE_FLAGS_802_11_HACK   0x0002
#define REASSEMBLE_ITEMS_DEFINE(var_prefix, name_prefix)
#define REASSEMBLE_INIT_HF_ITEMS(var_prefix, name_prefix, abbrev_prefix)
#define REASSEMBLE_INIT_ETT_ITEMS(var_prefix)


typedef struct _fragment_item fragment_item
typedef struct _fragment_head fragment_head
typedef void *(* fragment_temporary_key) (const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data)
typedef void *(* fragment_persistent_key) (const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data)
typedef struct _fragment_items fragment_items
typedef struct streaming_reassembly_info_t streaming_reassembly_info_t


WS_DLL_PUBLIC void reassembly_table_register (reassembly_table *table, const reassembly_table_functions *funcs)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC void reassembly_table_init (reassembly_table *table, const reassembly_table_functions *funcs)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC void reassembly_table_destroy (reassembly_table *table)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC fragment_headfragment_add (reassembly_table *table, tvbuff_t *tvb, const int offset, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data, const uint32_t frag_offset, const uint32_t frag_data_len, const bool more_frags)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC fragment_headfragment_add_multiple_ok (reassembly_table *table, tvbuff_t *tvb, const int offset, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data, const uint32_t frag_offset, const uint32_t frag_data_len, const bool more_frags)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC fragment_headfragment_add_out_of_order (reassembly_table *table, tvbuff_t *tvb, const int offset, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data, const uint32_t frag_offset, const uint32_t frag_data_len, const bool more_frags, const uint32_t frag_frame)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC fragment_headfragment_add_check (reassembly_table *table, tvbuff_t *tvb, const int offset, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data, const uint32_t frag_offset, const uint32_t frag_data_len, const bool more_frags)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC fragment_headfragment_add_check_with_fallback (reassembly_table *table, tvbuff_t *tvb, const int offset, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data, const uint32_t frag_offset, const uint32_t frag_data_len, const bool more_frags, const uint32_t fallback_frame)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC fragment_headfragment_add_seq (reassembly_table *table, tvbuff_t *tvb, const int offset, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data, const uint32_t frag_number, const uint32_t frag_data_len, const bool more_frags, const uint32_t flags)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC fragment_headfragment_add_seq_check (reassembly_table *table, tvbuff_t *tvb, const int offset, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data, const uint32_t frag_number, const uint32_t frag_data_len, const bool more_frags)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC fragment_headfragment_add_seq_802_11 (reassembly_table *table, tvbuff_t *tvb, const int offset, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data, const uint32_t frag_number, const uint32_t frag_data_len, const bool more_frags)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC fragment_headfragment_add_seq_next (reassembly_table *table, tvbuff_t *tvb, const int offset, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data, const uint32_t frag_data_len, const bool more_frags)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC fragment_headfragment_add_seq_single (reassembly_table *table, tvbuff_t *tvb, const int offset, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data, const uint32_t frag_data_len, const bool first, const bool last, const uint32_t max_frags)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC fragment_headfragment_add_seq_single_aging (reassembly_table *table, tvbuff_t *tvb, const int offset, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data, const uint32_t frag_data_len, const bool first, const bool last, const uint32_t max_frags, const uint32_t max_age)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC void fragment_start_seq_check (reassembly_table *table, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data, const uint32_t tot_len)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC fragment_headfragment_end_seq_next (reassembly_table *table, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC void fragment_add_seq_offset (reassembly_table *table, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data, const uint32_t fragment_offset)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC void fragment_set_tot_len (reassembly_table *table, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data, const uint32_t tot_len)
void fragment_reset_tot_len (reassembly_table *table, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data, const uint32_t tot_len)
void fragment_truncate (reassembly_table *table, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data, const uint32_t tot_len)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC uint32_t fragment_get_tot_len (reassembly_table *table, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC void fragment_set_partial_reassembly (reassembly_table *table, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC fragment_headfragment_get (reassembly_table *table, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC fragment_headfragment_get_reassembled_id (reassembly_table *table, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC tvbuff_tfragment_delete (reassembly_table *table, const packet_info *pinfo, const uint32_t id, const void *data)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC tvbuff_tprocess_reassembled_data (tvbuff_t *tvb, const int offset, packet_info *pinfo, const char *name, fragment_head *fd_head, const fragment_items *fit, bool *update_col_infop, proto_tree *tree)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC bool show_fragment_tree (fragment_head *ipfd_head, const fragment_items *fit, proto_tree *tree, packet_info *pinfo, tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_item **fi)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC bool show_fragment_seq_tree (fragment_head *ipfd_head, const fragment_items *fit, proto_tree *tree, packet_info *pinfo, tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_item **fi)
void reassembly_tables_init (void)
void reassembly_table_cleanup (void)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC streaming_reassembly_info_tstreaming_reassembly_info_new (void)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC int reassemble_streaming_data_and_call_subdissector (tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, unsigned offset, int length, proto_tree *segment_tree, proto_tree *reassembled_tree, reassembly_table streaming_reassembly_table, streaming_reassembly_info_t *reassembly_info, uint64_t cur_frame_num, dissector_handle_t subdissector_handle, proto_tree *subdissector_tree, void *subdissector_data, const char *label, const fragment_items *frag_hf_items, int hf_segment_data)
WS_DLL_PUBLIC int additional_bytes_expected_to_complete_reassembly (streaming_reassembly_info_t *reassembly_info)


WS_DLL_PUBLIC const reassembly_table_functions addresses_reassembly_table_functions
WS_DLL_PUBLIC const reassembly_table_functions addresses_ports_reassembly_table_functions

Detailed Description

Declarations of routines for {fragment,segment} reassembly

Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer By Gerald Combs geral.nosp@m.d@wi.nosp@m.resha.nosp@m.rk.o.nosp@m.rg Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs

SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

Macro Definition Documentation


#define REASSEMBLE_INIT_ETT_ITEMS (   var_prefix)
&ett_##var_prefix##_fragment, \
Definition packet-btavrcp.c:275

Macro to help to initialize protocol subtree (ett) items for reassembly. The statement:

void proto_register_foo(void) {
    static int* ett[] = {
        // Add ett items

will expand like:

void proto_register_foo(void) {
    static int* ett[] = {
        // Add ett items


#define REASSEMBLE_INIT_HF_ITEMS (   var_prefix,

Macro to help to initialize hf (head field) items for reassembly. The statement:

void proto_register_foo(void) {
    static hf_register_info hf[] = {
        { &hf_proto_foo_payload,
            { "Payload", "foo.payload",
                FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0, NULL, HFILL }

        // Add fragments items
        REASSEMBLE_INIT_HF_ITEMS(foo_body, "Foo Body", "foo.body"),

will expand like:

void proto_register_foo(void) {
    static hf_register_info hf[] = {
        { &hf_proto_foo_payload,
            { "Payload", "foo.payload",
                FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0, NULL, HFILL }

        // Add fragments items
        { &hf_foo_body_fragments, \
            { "Reassembled Foo Body fragments", "foo.body.fragments", \
                FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } \
        { &hf_foo_body_fragment, \
            { "Foo Body fragment", "foo.body.fragment", \
                FT_FRAMENUM, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } \
        { &hf_foo_body_fragment_overlap, \
            { "Foo Body fragment overlap", "foo.body.fragment.overlap", \
                FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } \


#define REASSEMBLE_ITEMS_DEFINE (   var_prefix,
static int ett_##var_prefix##_fragment; \
static int ett_##var_prefix##_fragments; \
static int hf_##var_prefix##_fragments; \
static int hf_##var_prefix##_fragment; \
static int hf_##var_prefix##_fragment_overlap; \
static int hf_##var_prefix##_fragment_overlap_conflicts; \
static int hf_##var_prefix##_fragment_multiple_tails; \
static int hf_##var_prefix##_fragment_too_long_fragment; \
static int hf_##var_prefix##_fragment_error; \
static int hf_##var_prefix##_fragment_count; \
static int hf_##var_prefix##_reassembled_in; \
static int hf_##var_prefix##_reassembled_length; \
static int hf_##var_prefix##_reassembled_data; \
static int hf_##var_prefix##_segment; \
static const fragment_items var_prefix##_fragment_items = { \
&ett_##var_prefix##_fragment, \
&ett_##var_prefix##_fragments, \
&hf_##var_prefix##_fragments, \
&hf_##var_prefix##_fragment, \
&hf_##var_prefix##_fragment_overlap, \
&hf_##var_prefix##_fragment_overlap_conflicts, \
&hf_##var_prefix##_fragment_multiple_tails, \
&hf_##var_prefix##_fragment_too_long_fragment, \
&hf_##var_prefix##_fragment_error, \
&hf_##var_prefix##_fragment_count, \
&hf_##var_prefix##_reassembled_in, \
&hf_##var_prefix##_reassembled_length, \
&hf_##var_prefix##_reassembled_data, \
name_prefix " fragments" \
Definition reassemble.h:524

Macro to help to define ett or hf items variables for reassembly (especially for streaming reassembly). The statement:

REASSEMBLE_ITEMS_DEFINE(foo_body, "Foo Body");  // in global scope

will create global variables:

static int ett_foo_body_fragment;
static int ett_foo_body_fragments;
static int hf_foo_body_fragment;
static int hf_foo_body_fragments;
static int hf_foo_body_fragment_overlap;
static int hf_foo_body_segment;

static const fragment_items foo_body_fragment_items = {
    "Foo Body fragments"

Typedef Documentation

◆ streaming_reassembly_info_t

a private structure for keeping streaming reassembly information

Function Documentation

◆ additional_bytes_expected_to_complete_reassembly()

WS_DLL_PUBLIC int additional_bytes_expected_to_complete_reassembly ( streaming_reassembly_info_t reassembly_info)

How many additional bytes are still expected to complete this reassembly?

How many additional bytes are expected to complete this reassembly. It may also be DESEGMENT_ONE_MORE_SEGMENT. 0 means this reassembly is completed.

◆ reassemble_streaming_data_and_call_subdissector()

WS_DLL_PUBLIC int reassemble_streaming_data_and_call_subdissector ( tvbuff_t tvb,
packet_info pinfo,
unsigned  offset,
int  length,
proto_tree segment_tree,
proto_tree reassembled_tree,
reassembly_table  streaming_reassembly_table,
streaming_reassembly_info_t reassembly_info,
uint64_t  cur_frame_num,
dissector_handle_t  subdissector_handle,
proto_tree subdissector_tree,
void *  subdissector_data,
const char *  label,
const fragment_items frag_hf_items,
int  hf_segment_data 

This function provides a simple way to reassemble the streaming data of a higher level protocol that is not on top of TCP but on another protocol which might be on top of TCP.

For example, suppose there are two streaming protocols ProtoA and ProtoB. ProtoA is a protocol on top of TCP. ProtoB is a protocol on top of ProtoA.

ProtoA dissector should use tcp_dissect_pdus() or pinfo->can_desegment/desegment_offset/desegment_len to reassemble its own messages on top of TCP. After the PDUs of ProtoA are reassembled, ProtoA dissector can call reassemble_streaming_data_and_call_subdissector() to help ProtoB dissector to reassemble the PDUs of ProtoB. ProtoB needs to use fields pinfo->can_desegment/desegment_offset/desegment_len to tell its requirements about reassembly (to reassemble_streaming_data_and_call_subdissector()).

-----            +-- Reassembled ProtoB PDU --+-- Reassembled ProtoB PDU --+-- Reassembled ProtoB PDU --+----------------
ProtoB:          | ProtoB header and payload  | ProtoB header and payload  | ProtoB header and payload  |            ...
-----            ^ >>> Reassemble with reassemble_streaming_data_and_call_subdissector() and pinfo->desegment_len.. <<< ^
                 |           ProtoA payload1            |      ProtoA payload2      |    ProtoA payload3   |         ...
                 ^                                      ^                           ^                      ^
                 |         >>> Do de-chunk <<<          |\   >>> Do de-chunk <<<     \  \ >>> Do de-chunk <<< \
                 |                                      |  \                           \    \                    \
                 |                                      |    \                           \      \                ...
                 |                                      |      \                           \        \                 \
        +-------- First Reassembled ProtoA PDU ---------+-- Second Reassembled ProtoA PDU ---+- Third Reassembled Prot...
ProtoA: | Header |           ProtoA payload1            | Header |       ProtoA payload2     | Header | ProtoA payload3 .
-----   ^     >>> Reassemble with tcp_dissect_pdus() or pinfo->can_desegment/desegment_offset/desegment_len <<<         ^
TCP:    |          TCP segment          |          TCP segment          |          TCP segment          |            ...
-----   +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+----------------

The function reassemble_streaming_data_and_call_subdissector() uses fragment_add() and process_reassembled_data() to complete its reassembly task.

The reassemble_streaming_data_and_call_subdissector() will handle many cases. The most complicated one is:

+-------------------------------------- Payload of a ProtoA PDU -----------------------------------------------+
| EoMSP: end of a multisegment PDU | OmNFP: one or more non-fragment PDUs | BoMSP: begin of a multisegment PDU |

Note, we use short name 'MSP' for 'Multisegment PDU', and 'NFP' for 'Non-fragment PDU'.

In this case, the payload of a ProtoA PDU contains:

  • EoMSP (Part1): At the begin of the ProtoA payload, there is the last part of a multisegment PDU of ProtoB.
  • OmNFP (Part2): The middle part of ProtoA payload payload contains one or more non-fragment PDUs of ProtoB.
  • BoMSP (Part3): At the tail of the ProtoA payload, there is the begin of a new multisegment PDU of ProtoB.

All of three parts are optional. For example, one ProtoA payload could contain only EoMSP, OmNFP or BoMSP; or contain EoMSP and OmNFP without BoMSP; or contain EoMSP and BoMSP without OmNFP; or contain OmNFP and BoMSP without EoMSP.

          +---- A ProtoB MSP ---+       +-- A ProtoB MSP --+-- A ProtoB MSP --+          +-- A ProtoB MSP --+
          |                     |       |                  |                  |          |                  |
+- A ProtoA payload -+  +-------+-------+-------+  +-------+-------+  +-------+-------+  +-------+  +-------+  +-------+
|  OmNFP  |  BoMSP   |  | EoMSP | OmNFP | BoMSP |  | EoMSP | BoMSP |  | EoMSP | OmNFP |  | BoMSP |  | EoMSP |  | OmNFP |
+---------+----------+  +-------+-------+-------+  +-------+-------+  +-------+-------+  +-------+  +-------+  +-------+
          |                     |       |                  |                  |          |                  |
          +---------------------+       +------------------+------------------+          +------------------+

And another case is the entire ProtoA payload is one of middle parts of a multisegment PDU. We call it:

  • MoMSP: The middle part of a multisegment PDU of ProtoB.

Following case shows a multisegment PDU composed of [BoMSP + MoMSP + MoMSP + MoMSP + EoMSP]:

                +------------------ A Multisegment PDU of ProtoB ----------------------+
                |                                                                      |
+--- ProtoA payload1 ---+   +- payload2 -+  +- Payload3 -+  +- Payload4 -+   +- ProtoA payload5 -+
| EoMSP | OmNFP | BoMSP |   |    MoMSP   |  |    MoMSP   |  |    MoMSP   |   |  EoMSP  |  BoMSP  |
+-------+-------+-------+   +------------+  +------------+  +------------+   +---------+---------+
                |                                                                      |

The function reassemble_streaming_data_and_call_subdissector() will handle all of the above cases and manage the information used during the reassembly. The caller (ProtoA dissector) only needs to initialize the relevant variables and pass these variables and its own completed payload to this function.

The subdissector (ProtoB dissector) needs to set the pinfo->desegment_len to cooperate with the function reassemble_streaming_data_and_call_subdissector() to complete the reassembly task. The pinfo->desegment_len should be DESEGMENT_ONE_MORE_SEGMENT or contain the estimated number of additional bytes required for completing the current PDU (MSP), and set pinfo->desegment_offset to the offset in the tvbuff at which the dissector will continue processing when next called. Next time the subdissector is called, it will be passed a tvbuff composed of the end of the data from the previous tvbuff together with desegment_len more bytes. If the dissector cannot tell how many more bytes it will need, it should set pinfo->desegment_len to DESEGMENT_ONE_MORE_SEGMENT or additional bytes required for parsing message head. It will then be called again as soon as more data becomes available. Subdissector MUST NOT set the pinfo->desegment_len to DESEGMENT_UNTIL_FIN, we don't support it yet.

Note that if the subdissector sets pinfo->desegment_len to additional bytes required for parsing the header of the message rather than the entire message when the length of entire message is unable to be determined, it MUST return the length of the tvb handled by itself (for example, return 0 length if nothing is parsed in MoMSP), otherwise it may cause some unexpected dissecting errors. However, if you want to be compatible with TCP's reassembly method by setting the pinfo->desegment_len, you MUST set the pinfo->desegment_len to DESEGMENT_ONE_MORE_SEGMENT when the entire message length cannot be determined, and return a length other than 0 (such as tvb_captured_length(tvb)) when exiting the subdissector dissect function (such as dissect_proto_b()).

Following is sample code of ProtoB which on top of ProtoA mentioned above:

// file packet-proto-b.c
static int
dissect_proto_b(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, void* data)
while (offset < tvb_len)
if (tvb_len - offset < PROTO_B_MESSAGE_HEAD_LEN) {
// need at least X bytes for getting a ProtoB message
if (pinfo->can_desegment) {
pinfo->desegment_offset = offset;
// It is strongly recommended to set pinfo->desegment_len to DESEGMENT_ONE_MORE_SEGMENT
// if the length of entire message is unknown.
pinfo->desegment_len = DESEGMENT_ONE_MORE_SEGMENT;
return tvb_len; // MUST return a length other than 0
// Or set pinfo->desegment_len to how many additional bytes needed to parse head of
// a ProtoB message.
// pinfo->desegment_len = PROTO_B_MESSAGE_HEAD_LEN - (tvb_len - offset);
// return offset; // But you MUST return the length handled by ProtoB
// e.g. length is at offset 4
body_len = (unsigned)tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset + 4);
if (tvb_len - offset - PROTO_B_MESSAGE_HEAD_LEN < body_len) {
// need X bytes for dissecting a ProtoB message
if (pinfo->can_desegment) {
pinfo->desegment_offset = offset;
// calculate how many additional bytes need to parsing body of a ProtoB message
pinfo->desegment_len = body_len - (tvb_len - offset - PROTO_B_MESSAGE_HEAD_LEN);
// MUST return a length other than 0, if DESEGMENT_ONE_MORE_SEGMENT is used previously.
return tvb_len;
// MUST return the length handled by ProtoB,
// if 'pinfo->desegment_len = PROTO_B_MESSAGE_HEAD_LEN - (tvb_len - offset);' is used previously.
// return offset;
return tvb_len; // all bytes of this tvb are parsed
Definition packet_info.h:43
int desegment_offset
Definition packet_info.h:93
uint16_t can_desegment
Definition packet_info.h:77
uint32_t desegment_len
Definition packet_info.h:96
Definition proto.h:903
Definition tvbuff-int.h:35

Following is sample code of ProtoA mentioned above:

// file packet-proto-a.c
// reassembly table for streaming chunk mode
static reassembly_table proto_a_streaming_reassembly_table;
// heads for displaying reassembly information
static int hf_msg_fragments;
static int hf_msg_fragment;
static int hf_msg_fragment_overlap;
static int hf_msg_fragment_overlap_conflicts;
static int hf_msg_fragment_multiple_tails;
static int hf_msg_fragment_too_long_fragment;
static int hf_msg_fragment_error;
static int hf_msg_fragment_count;
static int hf_msg_reassembled_in;
static int hf_msg_reassembled_length;
static int hf_msg_body_segment;
static int ett_msg_fragment;
static int ett_msg_fragments;
static const fragment_items msg_frag_items = {
"ProtoA Message fragments"
static int
dissect_proto_a(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, void* data)
streaming_reassembly_info_t* streaming_reassembly_info = NULL;
proto_a_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_proto_a);
if (!PINFO_FD_VISITED(pinfo)) {
streaming_reassembly_info = streaming_reassembly_info_new();
// save streaming reassembly info in the stream conversation or something like that
save_reassembly_info(pinfo, stream_id, flow_dir, streaming_reassembly_info);
} else {
streaming_reassembly_info = get_reassembly_info(pinfo, stream_id, flow_dir);
while (offset < tvb_len)
payload_len = xxx;
if (dissecting_in_streaming_mode) {
// reassemble and call subdissector
reassemble_streaming_data_and_call_subdissector(tvb, pinfo, offset,
payload_len, proto_a_tree, proto_tree_get_parent_tree(proto_a_tree),
proto_a_streaming_reassembly_table, streaming_reassembly_info,
get_virtual_frame_num64(tvb, pinfo, offset), subdissector_handle,
"ProtoA", &msg_frag_items, hf_msg_body_segment);
void proto_register_proto_a(void) {
static hf_register_info hf[] = {
{"Reassembled ProtoA Message fragments", "protoa.msg.fragments",
{"Message fragment", "protoa.msg.fragment",
{"Message fragment overlap", "protoa.msg.fragment.overlap",
{"Message fragment overlapping with conflicting data",
{"Message has multiple tail fragments",
{"Message fragment too long", "protoa.msg.fragment.too_long_fragment",
{"Message defragmentation error", "protoa.msg.fragment.error",
{"Message fragment count", "protoa.msg.fragment.count",
{"Reassembled in", "protoa.msg.reassembled.in",
{"Reassembled length", "protoa.msg.reassembled.length",
{"ProtoA body segment", "protoa.msg.body.segment",
static int *ett[] = {
#define HFILL
Definition proto.h:790
proto_tree * proto_tree_get_parent_tree(proto_tree *tree)
Definition proto.c:8081
proto_tree * proto_item_add_subtree(proto_item *pi, const int idx)
Definition proto.c:8024
Definition proto.h:684
Definition proto.h:681
Definition proto.h:800
Definition reassemble.h:138
Definition reassemble.c:3209

Alternatively, the code of ProtoA (packet-proto-a.c) can be made simpler with helper macros:

// file packet-proto-a.c
// reassembly table for streaming chunk mode
static reassembly_table proto_a_streaming_reassembly_table;
// reassembly head field items definition
REASSEMBLE_ITEMS_DEFINE(proto_a_body, "ProtoA Body");
static int
dissect_proto_a(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, void* data)
streaming_reassembly_info_t* streaming_reassembly_info = NULL;
proto_a_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_proto_a);
if (!PINFO_FD_VISITED(pinfo)) {
streaming_reassembly_info = streaming_reassembly_info_new();
// save streaming reassembly info in the stream conversation or something like that
save_reassembly_info(pinfo, stream_id, flow_dir, streaming_reassembly_info);
} else {
streaming_reassembly_info = get_reassembly_info(pinfo, stream_id, flow_dir);
while (offset < tvb_len)
payload_len = xxx;
if (dissecting_in_streaming_mode) {
// reassemble and call subdissector
reassemble_streaming_data_and_call_subdissector(tvb, pinfo, offset,
payload_len, proto_a_tree, proto_tree_get_parent_tree(proto_a_tree),
proto_a_streaming_reassembly_table, streaming_reassembly_info,
get_virtual_frame_num64(tvb, pinfo, offset), subdissector_handle,
proto_tree_get_parent_tree(tree), NULL, "ProtoA Body",
&proto_a_body_fragment_items, hf_proto_a_body_segment);
void proto_register_proto_a(void) {
static hf_register_info hf[] = {
REASSEMBLE_INIT_HF_ITEMS(proto_a_body, "ProtoA Body", "protoa.body")
static int *ett[] = {
#define REASSEMBLE_INIT_HF_ITEMS(var_prefix, name_prefix, abbrev_prefix)
Definition reassemble.h:671
#define REASSEMBLE_INIT_ETT_ITEMS(var_prefix)
Definition reassemble.h:752
#define REASSEMBLE_ITEMS_DEFINE(var_prefix, name_prefix)
Definition reassemble.h:592
tvbTVB contains (ProtoA) payload which will be passed to subdissector.
pinfoPacket information.
offsetThe beginning offset of payload in TVB.
lengthThe length of payload in TVB.
segment_treeThe tree for adding segment items.
reassembled_treeThe tree for adding reassembled information items.
streaming_reassembly_tableThe reassembly table used for this kind of streaming reassembly.
reassembly_infoThe structure for keeping streaming reassembly information. This should be initialized by streaming_reassembly_info_new(). Subdissector should keep it for each flow of per stream, like per direction flow of a STREAM of HTTP/2 or each request or response message flow of HTTP/1.1 chunked stream.
cur_frame_numThe uniq index of current payload and number must always be increasing from the previous frame number, so we can use "<" and ">" comparisons to determine before and after in time. You can use get_virtual_frame_num64() if the ProtoA does not has a suitable field representing payload frame num.
subdissector_handleThe subdissector the reassembly for. We will call subdissector for reassembly and dissecting. The subdissector should set pinfo->desegment_len to the length it needed if the payload is not enough for it to dissect.
subdissector_treeThe tree to be passed to subdissector.
subdissector_dataThe data argument to be passed to subdissector.
labelThe name of the data being reassembling. It can just be the name of protocol (ProtoA), for example, "[ProtoA segment of a reassembled PDU]".
frag_hf_itemsThe fragment field items for displaying fragment and reassembly information in tree. Please refer to process_reassembled_data().
hf_segment_dataThe field item to show something like "ProtoA segment data (123 bytes)".
Handled data length. Just equal to the length argument now.

◆ streaming_reassembly_info_new()

WS_DLL_PUBLIC streaming_reassembly_info_t * streaming_reassembly_info_new ( void  )

Allocate a streaming reassembly information in wmem_file_scope.